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I know this is the last thing you all want to hear at the start of a tense new scene, but Soul to Call will be taking a break until January 1st.

Those who follow me on Twitter may already know November was a rough month for me both in physical and mental health. December has only made things worse, as my cat of 15 years has recently fallen extremely ill. Chances are I don't have a lot of time left with her. It's been very difficult to work on the comic while trying to take care of her and myself, and all I really want is to be with her right now.
On top of that I have some very strict deadlines for paid work coming up, and need to focus on those, especially with hefty vet bills piling up.

On a brighter note, Soul to Call will have its 4-year anniversary on December 16th! So though I can't do anything special, I'd like to take a brief moment to thank all of you for all your support over the years! It means so much to me. ♥

If you can't wait for the next page of Soul to Call in the meantime, you can see it right now for $5 on Patreon.

As for vet bills, I may be opening commissions to help cover them in the near future, so make sure to keep an eye on my Twitter or Tumblr for more information on that.

You can also donate to my Ko-fi if you're feeling charitable. I know it's the holiday season and everyone's strapped for cash, so don't feel any obligation. All I ask is patience with me and with the comic, and I'll be back in the new year with more!

All the best, Rommie

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